Thump thump thump. Idalia was woken by a loud knock on her door.
“Idalia the chieftain requests your presence," said a females voice.
Why would the chieftain want to see me? Idalia thought. Her head cleared and…
“EEEEK!! Uh-oh I need to go,” Idalia mumbled as she bolted through the door.
“Hey if YOU don’t mind you can wait,” A silver fox yelled.
“Oh umm ya uh sorry,"
The silver fox trotted lazily toward Idalia. I hate meeting new animals now. Thought Idalia. Any animals she did meet were hostile and would reply in few words if she said anything. This had all started when… “Ey! Chieftain. Wants to. See. You. Now!," yowled the silver fox in her ear. Idalia stumbled and fell down. The silver fox tried to hide her sneer. Fine sheesh you didn’t have to yell dullard. No bad Idalia don’t think that word be nice. Maybe she could be your new friend. Idalia picked herself off the ground. “Fine. lets go," she replied with contempt.
Idalia and the silver fox walked toward the big hut in the center of the village. Is her name Raven ? Lets find out. “So um Rav-”
“My name is Jade," shot back the silver fox
“Oh um sorry I just mistook you for a friend o-”
“I am the only silver fox in the whole village and you have no friends besides Firus,"
Rude! That was harsh guess she is totally absolutely not friend material. After a minute of awkward silence they arrived at chieftain's grand den. Actually, it’s not that grand - but it is a lot better than my den, though. When the rain first started, the wind was so strong that it tore down the whole village- and no one has time to make it as extravagant as it was before- animals are now focusing on getting more food because all the prey is hiding.
“Hey, Firus!” yelled Jade.
"Hi Jade" replied Firus. Another fox was following Firus or what Idalia thought was a fox. The fox was as big as Firus and his pelt was dark brown. His tongue was lolling out on the right side of his mouth but he had that fox flair. Idalia was reasonably confused about what species he was in. He looked around hungrily. The big fox’s eyes met hers and he bared his teeth for a second. Umm excuse you thought Idalia How is that… thing even a fox? Is it a fox? While everyone else was talking about the quote unquote epic adventure they were going on. Idalia begged to differ, why were they supposed to go on an adventure to stop it why not great warriors do it? Steadily the rain grew harder and faster maybe some sleet was there too. Idalia heard Jade say something along the lines of “Idalia is such a charming fox no wonder she has soo many friends!” Lies! Lies,LIES she's just saying that so Firus is still her friend ugh! Everyone pretends to like me around Firus so he still hangs out with them. Why do the dislike me so much? Idalia wondered as she Walked over to the door fuming on the inside and knocked on it, with her head.
“Who are you? Don’t you know its raining like there is no tomorrow out there,” said a voice from behind the door.
“It’s Idalia….. and friends,” said Idalia with more bitterness than she meant .
“Oh?OH! Please do come in!”
The large oak door opened. The deputy a fox with most of her pelt orange, black paws and a white tipped tail was pulling it open with a brass door knocker. Idalia walked in with faux confidence & stood near the large fire pit in the center. Idalia heard voices come from the still open oak door. In came Firus,Jade, & that wolf fox creature thing. The fox/wolf ,she wasn’t sure which it was, thing sat on her right, Jade on her left, & Firus in front of her. Idalia looked behind Firus. There she saw the doors to the catwalk the chieftain usually made announcements on. On her left beyond Jade was a door frame with a few vines hanging down the bones of small animals (bone marrow sucked out) were attached to making a clicking noise when an animal went through. Which was exactly what they did when the chieftain walked in.
“ Hello chieftain,” uttered all the foxes & wolves.
“You all may be wondering why I brought you here,” the chieftain said as he circled the group around the fire.
“You see a believe you are the animals in a prophecy spoken long ago in said prophecy the animals go a mountain top and stop the big lake , that surrounds us on every side, from flooding the island,” He finished with such finality that even hinting that he could be wrong could result in aggravation from the Chief.
So thats why we were called here? Some prophecy. And we are the animals to save the island? Really thats just. Wow.
“So if you follow me I will show you a map of the island made by the tribe of eagles,”he told them as he walked into another room and closely followed the other animals. The map was very old but very well crafted it showed all the land beautifully.
“This is the route you will go,” said the chief showing the long way around the island. The island was like a circle but there was a huge lake in the middle. On the right side ,that the village was closer to, was a desert that just where it ended was rain mountain. On the left side was densely packed forest that turned into a large meadow that had many villages in it along with a few tiny mountains.
“ Why are we going the long way?” Inquired Idalia. “The desert side clearly is shorter and easier route, plus we can get water from the lake if we go to the shore the forest on the left side is on a cliff! No where near water.”
“Idalia the reason is simple,” snarled Jade “The desert has the coyotes, if we went over there they would rip us to shreds.”
“Okay, Okay, whatever” Idalia replied. She looked up and saw the chieftain glaring at her. Can’t catch a break anywhere huh?
“Any way if you two are done squabbling,” the chief continued here are your packs for the journey. The deputy scrambled to pass them each one bag. Each of the bags contained food and water.
“That is all I have to tell you, you may go now,” the chief said as he stared out a window.
The four canine adventures left., and walked toward the town gate in the dead of night.
Authors note:
It’s been a while since I posted lol. Anyway Firus is A01315’s character. Have a nice day Great Shot, Your character will be in chapter 5 or 6. Other characters I will figure out later.